COVID-19: Supporting Your Leaders

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Team Leader is actively supporting clients through this period, through the provision of webinars and coaching. For most leaders, we are in many cases navigating through unchartered waters - and my savvy clients have realised this and are doing something about it.

We are focusing on what great leadership looks like in a time of uncertainty and change - if you feel that you or your leaders might benefit from this, then the time to act is now.

No matter your sector, industry, business or organisation, what is the cost of doing nothing?

See here for more information.

Embracing constructive feedback - one of life's great challenges!


There has been so much written about the importance of developing self-awareness - especially for leaders.

Having a good handle on how others see you is critical is you want to have any chance of influencing others; it simply increases the chances of ‘hitting the mark’ with the right sort of behaviour in order to achieve the effect you desire.

This article adds to the mix, and offers sound advice on a very simple response that we could adopt when we receive feedback that isn’t necessarily what we want to hear…

Running is good for your brain!


As a runner, it is reassuring to read about the benefits of running.

As with all areas of human performance, there are more and more studies available that should nudge us towards being regular exercisers. See the article below - it pulls together quite a few recent studies.

I strongly encourage the leaders I work with to become habitual exercisers; it’s good for them, and it’s good for the people they work with.

I’ve always enjoyed running above most other forms of exercise - but there’s something about the simplicity, speed (well, that’s a relative term…) and sense of exploration.